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Sanctuary Notre-Dame of Lourdes holy water font. Silver plated metal. Emile Dropsy. 1920'sSanctuary Notre-Dame of Lourdes holy water font. Silver plated metal. Emile Dropsy. 1920'sSanctuary Notre-Dame of Lourdes holy water font. Silver plated metal. Emile Dropsy. 1920'sSanctuary Notre-Dame of Lourdes holy water font. Silver plated metal. Emile Dropsy. 1920'sSanctuary Notre-Dame of Lourdes holy water font. Silver plated metal. Emile Dropsy. 1920'sSanctuary Notre-Dame of Lourdes holy water font. Silver plated metal. Emile Dropsy. 1920'sSanctuary Notre-Dame of Lourdes holy water font. Silver plated metal. Emile Dropsy. 1920'sSanctuary Notre-Dame of Lourdes holy water font. Silver plated metal. Emile Dropsy. 1920'sSanctuary Notre-Dame of Lourdes holy water font. Silver plated metal. Emile Dropsy. 1920'sSanctuary Notre-Dame of Lourdes holy water font. Silver plated metal. Emile Dropsy. 1920's

Sanctuary Notre-Dame of Lourdes holy water font. Silver plated metal. Emile Dropsy. 1920's

€ 75,0075.00
Holy water font.
Circa: 1920's. France.
Author: Emile Dropsy. Sanctuary Notre-Dame of Lourdes.
Silver plated metal. Virgin Mary. Floral and vegetal motifs.
Crosses, scrolls and shells.
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Measures: 19,5 cm long, 9,5 cm wide and 5,5 cm thickness.
Weight: 301 grams.
Fine condition. Some use and age signs.
Antique holy water fonts. Collectable holy water fonts.
Religious items & catholic articles. Emile Dropsy pieces.
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