You are always welcome!
El Coleccionista Ecléctico is a different store offering an extensive, heterogeneous and careful selection of items, mostly period items.
Unique items, rare and special to surprise and also giving references for collectors, antiques enthusiasts, professionals, bargain hunters and anyone wanting to buy at reasonable cost and with maximum guarantee of quality, reliability, professionalism, communication and customer service.
From the beginning we have characterized our business focus in e-commerce, having a clear international-able to ship anywhere in the world, and understand that the friendly, ongoing care and the constant search for satisfaction buyer should be part and parcel of the founding philosophy of the company.
The company has twenty years of experience in online sales of antiques, writing instruments, vintage accessories and collectables.
During this time, we are proud to have closed thousands of positive public transactions with buyers from around the world and many others private transactions with collectors whom we have met through the network.
Users who have appreciated our products successfully and have praised the dynamism, professionalism and the nearness of the company.
The web catalog, constantly renewed, is varied, but excel in fountain pens, pocket watches and wristwatches, in sterling silver pieces, antique documents, period machinery and equipment, classic toys and women's accessories.
Other products include books, comics, music scores, movie posters, vinyl records, trading cards, medals, coins, postcards, cabinet whims and small decorative items.
The colorful range of guaranteed authenticity is accompanied by a range of payment methods, agile transportation at competitive prices, personalized follow-up of the article, and a high concern for the final approval of the costumer.
A different place and full of surprises for those seduced by collectibles and interested in the relive of history and past objects and inventions that time subject to oblivion.